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The Beon Journey: From UX Foundations to MVP Frontiers

  • April 15, 2024

In a digital world that’s continuously evolving, Beon has kept pace, transforming from a top-notch UX design firm to a multi-faceted MVP development leader. 

Our narrative isn’t just about change; it’s about growth aligned with the shifting tides of technology and market demands. 

Read on to discover how we’ve harnessed design thinking and a data-driven approach to expand our reach and refine our role as a growth partner and catalyst for start-up success. 

We are the perfect partners to convert your idea into real revenue-generating products.

Table of Contents

The Inception of Beon as a Design Vanguard
The Shift Towards Solving Business Challenges
The Pivot: Expansion to MVP Development
The Objective: From Idea-to-Revenue-to-Growth
The Beon 5-Step Process
The Underlying Approach: Data, Technology and Collaboration
1. Data Focus
2. Designing for Functionality and Value
3. Leveraging Technology for Sales and Marketing Optimization
4. Cultivating Collaborative Partnerships: We Put Skin in the Game
The Road Ahead: Continual Innovation and Growth

The Inception of Beon as a Design Vanguard

Beon started its journey as a visionary UX design company in 2012, a time when the concept of user experience was a relatively new concept for many in India.

mvp ebook

Founded by a team of passionate designers and technologists, we specialized in the art of crafting interfaces that were not only visually striking but intuitively functional. We quickly gained recognition for our innovative approach and attention to detail. 

The Shift Towards Solving Business Challenges

However, as our expertise deepened, we noticed a pattern: design was not just about aesthetics, it was about solving real-world business problems. 

The interconnected nature of digital products meant that a well-designed interface could drastically improve every facet of a business, from marketing to customer engagement.

An increasing number of clients were reaching out to us for help in solving business challenges. Beyond just aesthetically pleasing designs, they were seeking holistic solutions that could drive growth, streamline operations, and capture market opportunities effectively.

We recognized that digital products and services were  essentially sales and marketing tools clustered around a set of core features addressing market needs.

Increasingly, we began to look not just at design problems, but at business problems through the lens of design thinking.

The Pivot: Expansion to MVP Development

In view of the emerging client needs, Beon made the strategic decision to pivot towards offering comprehensive MVP development services. 

Our focus areas were start-ups and established companies seeking to launch new products. We were confident that with our extensive experience in working with start-ups and setting them up ourselves we could be effective growth partners for them.

We consciously extended our design-centric approach to encompass the development of Minimum Viable Products (MVPs). By focusing on the core functionalities that offered the most value to users, we began assisting start-ups in bringing their most ambitious ideas to life  with agility and precision.

The Objective: From Idea-to-Product-to-Revenue-to-Growth

Our compass always points in one clear direction – growth. 

We take startups from idea to product, from product to revenue, and finally, from revenue to growth. The ultimate aim is to create “product market fit” and once this is identified, ensure that they have tools and processes to grow it further.

We recognize the importance of providing end-to-end solutions and have the capability to operate across all relevant departments. Yes, every department requires multiple specialists, however our generalist approach serves a very useful purpose for our customers as well. 

As agile practitioners committed to quick, iterative delivery, we ensure functions are set up and running swiftly, and start-ups are able to navigate various aspects of their business effectively.

We assist with seamless setup and operation of all departments, define clear scopes and outcomes, and facilitate process automation where possible.

The Beon 5-Step Process 

The transition from UX Design to MVP Development has marked a significant milestone in the company’s journey, requiring not only a shift in focus but also a realignment of internal processes, skill sets, and organizational culture.

However, we do believe our basic design principles have provided us a rock-solid 5-step process that we can leverage as an effective growth partner:

The Beon 5-Step Process 
  1. Identify the goal: Every journey begins with a destination. For us, it means setting a clear, achievable objective. Whether it’s a user needing to complete a task or a start-up aiming for market entry, we help define these goals with precision and clarity.
  2. Devise the optimal path to that goal: Pathfinding is an art. We analyze the terrain—be it market conditions, user behaviour, or technological trends—to chart a course that’s both efficient and effective. This means eliminating excess, focusing on what’s essential, and always aiming for the most direct route to success.
  3. Empower users to achieve their objectives with ease: A tool is only as good as its ease of use. We design our MVPs to be intuitive, ensuring that users can achieve their objectives without friction. It’s not just about usability; it’s about creating a satisfying, engaging experience that keeps users coming back.
  4. Embrace experimentation as a path to discovery: The fear of failure often stifles innovation. We embrace experimentation, knowing that each trial brings us closer to perfection. This principle is about fostering a culture of curiosity and courage, where calculated risks lead to breakthroughs.
  5. Measure, iterate, and design anew: The final step is a cycle in itself. We measure every outcome, sift through the data for insights, and iterate. Then we design again, armed with new knowledge. This continuous loop ensures that our solutions are always evolving, always improving, and always aligned with the shifting needs of users and markets.

The Underlying Approach: Data, Technology and Collaboration

At the core of our approach lies a strong emphasis on data, technology, function, and collaboration.

  • Data Focus
    We prioritize the collection of relevant data aligned with predefined goals, establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for teams to monitor, and equip them with the necessary tools to track performance metrics.
    By fostering a culture of data consciousness and tracking, we empower teams to make informed decisions and drive continuous improvement.
  • Designing for Functionality and Value
    We firmly believe that the role of design extends beyond aesthetics; it is about ensuring that products and services not only look good but also function effectively and add tangible value to users.
    Our design philosophy emphasizes the integration of usability, functionality, and user-centric principles to create impactful experiences that resonate with audiences.
  • Leveraging Technology for Sales and Marketing Optimization
    While advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Do-It-Yourself Software as a Service (SaaS) have addressed many sales and marketing challenges, there remains a need for founders to leverage technology effectively.
    We facilitate experimentation at minimal cost, allowing startups to test ideas across various domains, including product development, sales strategies, and marketing campaigns. This iterative approach enables us to identify the optimal target audience, features, and promotional tactics.
  • Cultivating Collaborative Partnerships: We Put Skin in the Game
    Throughout its evolution, Beon has remained steadfast in its commitment to delivering exceptional value to clients.
    Adopting a collaborative and client-centric approach, the firm works closely with businesses of all sizes, from startups to well-established enterprises, to understand their unique challenges and goals fully.
    To further demonstrate our total commitment in helping our clients succeed, we may negotiate a partnership based on equity, depending on the business’s stage of development and general market conditions. This helps free up cash flow, allowing greater room for experimentation.

The Road Ahead: Continual Innovation and Growth

Beon’s story is one of organic growth and transformation. From perfecting the user experience to crafting market-ready MVPs, we have not just evolved; we’ve revolutionized the way we see, solve, and succeed in business challenges. 

And the journey continues.

With a talented team of strategists, designers, and technologists at its helm, Beon remains dedicated to staying ahead of the curve. 

We invite you to be part of this journey, where your vision becomes our shared reality.

Follow us for more on LinkedIn

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